demo form demo form Test name Actual fee Full Test $ 395 Part Test $ 305 Written-only Test $ 245 ISLPR TestTeacher RegistrationStudent Registration [group group-teacher] Professional TeacherFull TestPart TestWritten Only [/group] [group group-student-box] Academic StudentFull TestPart TestWritten Only [/group] [group group-909] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Vocational Test (Functional English) and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Vocational Test (Functional English) Application. Test History* YesNo [group group-640] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Previous Family Name Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Re-Test: Please check the box to confirm you have read and understand the Re-Test Policy, and I wish to continue to apply for a test for an earlier date. Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Please choose the first day of the week you require your test to be conducted in. Please state hours that are not suitable during your week Vocational Field Specialisation Relevant Organisation to receive the Results We will send a copy of your statement of results to this organisation if you request us to do so.) How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-full] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Full Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Full Test Application. Test History* YesNo [group group-475] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Previous Family Name Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Please choose the first day of the week you require your test to be conducted in. Please state hours that are not suitable during your week Registration Authority* Victorian Institute of TeachersOther We will send a copy of your statement of results directly to the authority nominated unless you advise to the contrary in the comments below. What will be your area of Specialisation as a Teacher?* Comments How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-part] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Part Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Part Test Application. Please choose which skills you would like to be tested for. You can only choose Two Skills. SpeakingListeningReadingWriting Test History* YesNo [group group-118] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Previous Family Name Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Re-Test: Please check the box to confirm you have read and understand the Re-Test Policy, and I wish to continue to apply for a test for an earlier date. Preferred Week of Test* Please choose the first day of the week you require your test to be conducted in. DD/MM/YYYY Please state hours that are not suitable during your week Registration Authority* Victorian Institute of TeachersOther We will send a copy of your statement of results directly to the authority nominated unless you advise to the contrary in the comments below. What will be your area of Specialisation as a Teacher?* Comments How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-written] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Full Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Full Test Application. Test History* YesNo [group group-877] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Previous Family Name Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Please choose the first day of the week you require your test to be conducted in. Please state hours that are not suitable during your week Registration Authority* Victorian Institute of TeachersOther We will send a copy of your statement of results directly to the authority nominated unless you advise to the contrary in the comments below. What will be your area of Specialisation as a Teacher?* Comments How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-student-full] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Full Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Full Test Application. Test History* YesNo [group group-636] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Test Required* High SchoolTAFEUndergraduate (Including Foundation Skills)Postgraduate (Including PQP)Other Past Academic Studies* Specialisation* Any other comments I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-student-part] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Part Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Part Test Application. Please choose which skills you would like to be tested for. You can only choose Two Skills. SpeakingListeningReadingWriting Test History* YesNo [group group-637] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Test Required For* Undergraduate (Including Foundation Skills)Postgraduate (Including PQP)High SchoolTAFEOther Past Academic Studies* Specialisation* Any other comments I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] [group group-student-written] By Checking this box you understand that you are about to register for a Full Test and will be required to pay the fees at the end of the registration process. Yes I wish to complete a Full Test Application. Test History* YesNo [group group-638] When was the Test?* Where was the test held?* [/group] Surname* First Name* Preferred Name* Title* Date of Birth* DD/MM/YYYY Gender* MaleFemale Address* City* Country* Post Code* Mobile Home Phone Your Email First Language* Present Activity* Test History: Have you ever done an ISLPR test before? (Please select) YesNo Preferred Week of Test* DD/MM/YYYY Test Required* High SchoolTAFEUndergraduate (Including Foundation Skills)Postgraduate (Including PQP)Other Past Academic Studies* Specialisation* Any other comments I have read and understand the Policy hereYesNo How did you hear about us? VIT WebsiteA Migration AgentImmigration DepartmentFriend / FamilyNewspaperSocial MediaTVRadioFlyerOther Press Submit Button to complete Form Submission [/group] Δ