Dual Tutorial

Dual Tutorial

Dual Tutorial Bookings

We run individual tutorials to help you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Tutorials run for an hour and may be conducted via a one-on-one session with a teacher, Phone, Skye or emails (Emails are for Written Tests Only).
You cannot book more than two tutorials in one day.
We will try to accommodate your preferred times however we are limited to available dates and times.
It is not helpful to try to prepare for an ISLPR test the way that you might prepare for tests in some other testing systems.

  • For example, with the writing test we do not recommend that you try to guess what your tasks will be and spend a lot of time practising these and only these.
  • We do not recommend that you practise complicated phrases that you hope you can use for any topic.


  • $260 for two hours.  Single or together.
  • Please advise when booking tutorial dates if you want them together or separate.

The benefits of an ISLPR tutorial:

  • 2 x One hour sessions– with a focus on one macro skill (i.e. speaking, listening, reading and writing) per hour
  • One-on-one support from a teacher or tutor where your issues are addressed personally

If you are in Australia on a student visa, please note that individual tutoring alone does not meet requirements for student visas.

Please fill in form below

NOTE: You will be directed to make payment at the completion of this application via Paypal.  If you do not make payment then your tutorial will not be processed.

    In order for us to contact you at least one of the below is required

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